In sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior's world, society is divided into five factions - Abnegation (the selfless), Candor (the honest), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent) - each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue, in the attempt to form a "perfect society." At the age of sixteen, teens must choose the faction to which they will devote their lives.
On her Choosing Day, Beatrice renames herself Tris, rejects her family′s Abnegation faction, and chooses Dauntless, the faction of daredevils and adrenaline junkies whose lives are devoted to courageousness and chasing out weakness. After surviving a brutal initiation, Tris finds romance with a super-hot, super-fearless Dauntless boy named Tobias, but also discovers unrest and growing conflict in their seemingly "perfect society." To survive and save those they love, Tris and Tobias must use their strengths to uncover the truths about their identities, their families, and the order of their society itself.