True History of the Kelly Gang

True History of the Kelly Gang

Peter Carey
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  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 372
  • Publication date: 2001
  • Publisher: University of Queensland Press
  • Weight: 0.28 kg ISBN: 9780702232633 Note that the actual book cover may differ from the picture

A breathless adventure, both a lament and a tribute, a boy's defence of his mother and a man's confiding letter to the daughter he will never meet. Carey explores the emotional life and times of our most potent legend, Ned Kelly. Winner of 2001 Booker Prize. 2004-5 HSC Advanced English prescribed text: Module C; Elective 3.A breathless adventure, both a lament and a tribute, a boy's defence of his mother and a man's confiding letter to the daughter he will never meet. Carey explores the emotional life and times of our most potent legend, Ned Kelly. Winner of 2001 Booker Prize. 2004-5 HSC Advanced English prescribed text: Module C; Elective 3. Winner of The Commonwealth Writer's Prize Best Book South East Asia and South Pacific 2001 and Booker Prize for Fiction 2001. Short-listed for Tasmania Pacific Rim Region Prizes: Fiction 2003 and IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2002 and Book Data/ABA Book of the Year Award 2000.