The Boston Globe Assistant District Attorney Nina Frost prosecutes child molesters, and in the course of her everyday work she endures the frustration of seeing too many criminals slip through the system and walk free. So when she receives the awful news that her son Nathaniel has been sexually abused by her family priest-and is so traumatised that he is now mute-she knows better than anyone that she cannot trust the courts to protect her child.
Certain that she can do a better job, and convinced she is taking the moral high ground, she shoots the priest in cold blood at his arraignment. From its provocative opening to the astonishing and revelatory finale, Perfect Match reveals the lengths to which a mother will go to protect her child, and ultimately questions our assumptions about family, security and love. In her most soulful and intimate novel to date, Jodi Picoult paints an indelible portrait of a family in anguish, and the drama of its riveting courtroom conclusion maintains the suspense until the final verdict is handed down.
Read more about Jodi Picoult on her website at www.jodipicoult.com.