In Paris a physicist dies after performing a laboratory experiment for a beautiful visitor. In the jungles of Malaysia a mysterious buyer purchases deadly technology built to his specifications. In Vancouver a small research submarine is leased for use in the waters off New Guinea. And in Tokyo an intelligence agent tries to understand what it all means.
Thus begins Michael Crichton's exciting and provocative techno-thriller State of Fear. Only Michael Crichton's unique ability to blend science fact and pulse-pounding fiction could bring such disparate elements to a heart-stopping conclusion
This is his most wide-ranging thriller. State of Fear takes the reader from the glaciers of Iceland to the volcanoes of Antarctica from the Arizona desert to the deadly jungles of the Solomon Islands from the streets of Paris to the beaches of Los Angeles.
The novel races forwards taking the reader on a rollercoaster thrill ride all the while keeping the brain in high gear. Gripping and thought-provoking State of Fear is Michael Crichton at his very best.